What we do


Doing better instead of just knowing better. 

We see ourselves as a strategic think-tank and workbench for companies and consulting service providers who want to open up the complex path to contemporary and growth-oriented strategies. 


The only constant is change...

Our services for mastering dynamism and agility in corporate and brand management are based on three areas. It always starts with the brand identity, building on the strengths of the organisation.

Create – Marketing & Branding

Developing strong brands, strengthening identity and establishing loyalty in target groups in an inspiring way. No matter whether B2C or B2B. Strong brands as the key to awareness, growth and differentiation in saturated or new markets. 

Created with Sketch.

We define marketing as one of the essential approaches to holistic corporate management. In order to be perceptibly different and to be perceived differently, companies need a visible and, above all, discernible identity – or, in short: a strong brand. Or as the ancient Greeks wrote at the Temple of Apollo: Know thyself. We harness your existing strengths in order to reinforce these externally in a modern and clear brand.

Our services:

  • Development of holistic brand identities
  • Brand updates and support with relaunches
  • Target group insights & qualification
  • Employer branding strategies

Define - Strategy & Planning

Strategy is mentally anticipated action. Together, we develop viable and effective ideas as well as ways to implement these in practice for the future. Pragmatic, well-founded and collaborative – involving all those concerned. 

Created with Sketch.

Markets and target groups are becoming more global, better informed and more complex in terms of the possible ways to handle and address them – online and offline, personal and/or automated. "One-size-fits-all" solutions have had their day; the focus now is rather on selecting the appropriate communication and sales channels and on responding to a suitable range of services for the increasingly fragmented target groups. Or to put it more simply: "How to sell pink shoes to punk ladies?!".


Our services:

  • Go2Market strategies & sales funnelling
  • Vision development & future forecasting
  • Organisational optimisation & marketing automation
  • Value creation & value chain management
  • eCommerce strategies

Improve – Innovation & Change 


The world around us is changing: more digital, more networked, more transparent. We work out where change is needed first, and at which adjusting screws. Holistic – without forgetting the essentials. 

Created with Sketch.

Change has many faces. Together, we will develop future paths to growth and new markets that depart from the beaten track. We scrutinise the existing business model, work out what is possible along with what is feasible, and develop future directions without completely throwing what has been achieved overboard. Together, we will harness the "collective intelligence" of the organisation to develop innovations and will consistently involve generators of ideas. Our tools here are design thinking, rapid prototyping, MVP development, effectuation and other (agile) processes. What really counts though are the real life sciences – beyond the buzz words. Get it on!


Our services:

  • Change and optimisation strategies
  • Business transformation
  • Business model development & stress tests
  • Spin-offs & business incubation

Who we work for

We work as an external consulting service provider for companies and as a skills plug-in for consulting firms and agencies. The more technical and complex the industry and the more multifaceted the task in hand, the quicker we get up to operating temperature.